What You Need to Know about Pest Management

Pest control technician consulting home owner

As a QualityPro company, Bruce Terminix Company has taken many steps to provide you with a higher quality, more worthwhile service. One of the most important things about QualityPro companies is their commitment to providing environmentally responsible pest management.

This means using integrated pest management, or IPM, to solve your pest problem.

An IPM approach is focused on the removal of the three key elements pests need to survive: food, water, and shelter. By concentrating on eliminating the sources of these elements, your home becomes a less desirable destination for pests, and greatly reduces the likelihood of an infestation. More importantly, IPM aims to correct the root cause of the pest problem, providing you with a longer-term solution to your pest problem in the least intrusive manner possible.

The IPM Approach

Six basic steps make up an IPM program and they include:

  • Inspecting the area
  • Identifying the pest problem
  • Selecting control methods based on the size and type of the pest problem
  • Employing two or more control measures in combination
  • Applying pesticides judiciously
  • Evaluating effectiveness

Specific IPM actions include:

  • Recommending structural repair and maintenance to exclude pests (recommending repairs to screens with holes, moisture conditions, caulking, and other exclusion and harborage modification, etc.)
  • Behavioral modification (properly storing garbage, moving wood away from the house, etc.)
  • Judicious and precise pesticide applications into cracks and crevices and known harborages (injecting a non-volatile pesticidal gel into cracks and crevices where we have detected pests)

Participation is the Key to Success

Our knowledge of pests and our experience managing them allows us to develop an effective IPM plan. Yet, IPM is always more effective when our customers are actively involved. Your knowledge of your home and surroundings, your observance of pest problems, and your cooperation with us, Bruce Terminix Company, will ensure that the IPM program successfully rids your home of pests in the most environmentally responsible way.

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