We Do More Than Kill Pests. We Help You Keep Them Out!
What good is pest control if the pests are just going to come right back into your business? Terminix Triad understands the best way to solve pest problems is to correct the conditions that contribute to them. That’s why our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for commercial businesses addresses the reasons pests may be present and direct control efforts at the sites where pests live and breed.
Integrated Pest Management
IPM is a low or non-chemical alternative for controlling pests. But it requires a partnership because to a large extent, success depends on the level of your cooperation. Our experts will work with you to continually evaluate and fine-tune a customized IPM program for your business and industry that includes:
- A thorough inspection of the facility and exteriors for conditions that can affect pest infestations.
- Because each building's conditions are unique, we'll perform an initial IPM survey to determine needs.
- Identification of pests, if any, and an analysis of their current activity in and around the facility.
- Recommendations from our pest experts on limiting and preventing pest activity.
- Treatment of affected areas and implementation of mechanical methods for controlling pests.
- Continuous evaluation of treatment effectiveness and any necessary modifications.
- Education is also available, upon request, of the facility’s staff, addressing actions and conditions affecting pest activity.
We'll Target Areas that Need Attention
In addition, for larger facilities, we will establish a pest sighting log within a facility. This log is an important tool in our partnership as it allows your employees to have a central office to contact for reporting pest activity. In some cases, multiple sight logs may be established, such as at individual nurse’s stations in hospitals. We will use these logs to target areas that need immediate attention!
What it Means for Your Business
Our Integrated Pest Management program ensures maximum effectiveness with minimal treatments and can help prevent future infestation. We’ll even work with you to help maintain compliance with your industry’s local and federal guidelines. All of which means you’ll have a more sanitary and healthy workplace for your employees and customers!