Tech spraying insulation
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90 years of experience
Over 90 Years of Experience

Insulation Services in the NC Triad

In the NC Triad area, seventy degree sunny days are rare. More often than not, local homeowners end up overpaying for heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.

However, with the proper insulation installed in your home, you can save both energy and moneywithout having to sacrifice comfort. Our trained technicians can provide you with insulation services that are effective and done rightthe first time. Reduce your energy bill and start saving today!

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Get Started Today! Call us at 877-372-9696 or

The first step towards decreasing your energy bill starts with our free inspection. Our technicians are thoroughly trained in identifying which areas of your home aren’t protected with the proper amount of insulation. They start from your attic and work all the way down to your crawl space. For attics, the ideal amount of insulation is between 14 and 16 inches. We’ve seen Triad homes with as little as three!

Reduce Your Environmental Footprint

Are you looking for an environmentally-friendly insulation service that is even more effective than traditional insulation? You’re in the right place! We offer R-Plus Insulation™. It’s made from 87% fire-resistant recycled fibers and contains no asbestos, glass fibers, or formaldehyde. This helps ensure your family isn’t exposed to unnecessary chemicals or artificial byproducts while still fulfilling the same goal of temperature and noise control. 

Get A Free Quote On Attic Insulation Installation

Say Goodbye to Leaks & Drafts in Your Home

Homeowners throughout the Triad have trusted our insulation services for decades. Since we take care in blowing the insulation into your attic and crawl space, it’s less likely that you will experience the leaks and drafts that are associated with ordinary insulation. Additionally, since our R-Plus insulation is denser than traditional fiberglass insulation, air doesn’t move through it as well, meaning it resists heat transfer by convection, as well as conduction by radiation. You get the best of both worlds despite extreme changes in temperature.  

Save up to 40% in energy savings with a home insulation company you know you can trust! 

If Pests Come Back, We Will Too — For Free

Should pests persist in between scheduled treatments, simply let us know and we'll re-service your home for no additional cost to you. That's our guarantee to you!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Areas We Service In The Triad:

Having proper insulation in your home can save you significant money every summer and winter! Here are some of the areas we service in the Triad:

  • Greensboro
  • Winston-Salem
  • High Point
  • Thomasville
  • Boone
  • Asheboro
  • And Many More!
Service Area Map

Trusted By Your North Carolina Neighbors

5 Star Review

Been using Terminix for years. They are super at both addressing active problems as well as preventative. No matter the pest issue, they come prepared.

Phil K.
5 Star Review

We are always completely satisfied with service by Terminix Triad. They are always efficient and trustworthy.

Barbara Perrell
5 Star Review

Dustin provided our regular service visit and did a fabulous job.

Robert Wein
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